Poker Copilot: 5 Tips to Improve Your Poker Game

 Poker Copilot: Five Steps to Improve your Poker Game

This guide will show you how to analyse your hand history in Poker Copilot. It's important to have at least 10,000 hands in your Poker Copilot Database before making any changes to your hand game.

First, choose if your attention is on your cash games skills or your tournament skills. Next, choose your Omaha or Hold'em game and your preferred table size. All instructions assume you are only analysing 6-max No Limit Hold'em Cash games.

1. Set the filters

Poker Copilot's filter allows you to set the table size at 6 Players Max and the game type as No Limit Hold'em. You might consider changing the date to six months if your playing style has changed significantly in recent months.

2. Make sure you are not aggressive before the big day.

Do you show good preflop aggression The fear of raising is something that new poker players have to overcome. They will call the same number over and over, which can be a quick way to lose their money.

If you feel your hand is worth playing then raise often. If it isn't worth your time, you should fold. Do not fall for the trap of calling.

3. You can check your positional awareness

When they get closer to the dealer button, poker players quickly learn to be more open-minded. Check Your Blind Stealing. Verify Your Blind Stealing

Blind stealing is extremely profitable, provided it's done right. Blind stealing can be a lucrative business if you're on the button and everyone has already folded. About 50% of your time should be spent stealing.

5. You should check your blind defense

You only need to consider the hands where you are the bigblind, if you are being targeted for a blind steal attempt. If you folded your large blind every time, this would mean that you would lose one big blind per hand. That's 100 big blinds/100 hands. How to Spot Big Pocket Pairs in NL Texas Holdem Tournaments


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