Poker RNG - Learn the algorithm for online poker rooms
Poker RNG – Discover the algorithm behind online poker rooms What is Poker RNG and how does it work? PokerRNG claims that it sells software to decrypt different poker sites' random formulae and thus predict common cards among your opponents. PokerRNG states that the software must first build its own database before it can be trusted. PokerRNG reported that their software is 99.9% reliable at the end 2000 hands. How it works Poker RNG states that you must manually enter your cards to allow Poker RNG access to the algorithm behind those entries. For the 99.9% reliability, they require that all hands go to the River for them to count. They recommend that there be at most 2000 hands. The software can then predict your opponent's cards and predict the flop. How much does a ca cost? Nothing less than approximately $ 500 It actually works. It's not possible! You would not sell such a program if it was discovered. Or are you imagining that you co...