Gambling in the United States: A Review

 Gambling in The United States: An Overview

Gambling involves the taking of risk to gain greater value based on uncertain outcomes. Gambling has been a booming industry due to the willingness and desire of many people to risk their money for better odds. Gambling is attractive because it offers both risk and uncertainty. Many cultures throughout history have considered gambling to be both legal and illegal. Societal attitudes are influenced by customs, traditions and religions as well as morals and the context where gambling takes place.

Gambling has been difficult to define and decide what activities should and should not be legalized by lawmakers. It is possible to accept betting activities that have an element of skill, such as choosing a horse for a race or playing a game of cards. This might be better than gambling activities that are entirely dependent on chance (such a spinning a wheel or playing slots machines). It also depends on who makes the most from the gambling. It is more common to allow bingo games for charity or lotteries that support state programs, than for profit in casinos.

Dan Seligman states in "In Defense of Gambling" that Americans gamble legally for $900 billion each year. Why do people gamble? The common sense tells us that it is foolish to gamble on an event with uncertain outcomes. Scientists speculate that there are many reasons people gamble. These include the lure of money and the fun and excitement of gambling. At its core, gambling could be an attempt to control the randomness in life. No matter how strong the drive, it must be strong. In the United States, there is an entire gambling culture. Entrepreneurs (legal or not) offer opportunities for gamblers and the business sector is thriving.


Ancient Times

Archaeologists discovered evidence that people from Egypt, China, Japan and Greece used dice and other devices to play games of chance as early as 2000 BC. Encyclopedia Britannica states that loaded dice (which are weighted so that a certain number comes up more often than others) were found in ancient tombs throughout Egypt, North America, South America, and the Far East. Casinos & Income 1987-2008


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