Seven Card Stud Poker Game Rules

 Seven Card Stud Poker Game Rules

Card Game Rules

Seven Card Stud Poker, a casino-type game, is where you aim to make the best hand among a group. The initial seven cards given to the players are called Seven Card Stud Poker. Players then have to try and make the best five-card hand using the seven cards, while simultaneously betting against all other hands. Seven Card Stud is played with a 52 card deck that has Aces high, and 2's lowest.

See our guides for Texas Hold'em Poker, Blackjack, and other casino games.

Check out our standard packs here and one of our newer arrivals here if you're looking for Seven Card Stud cards.

Below is a listing of hand rankings ranging from the lowest to the highest:

Ranking of Hands

High Card: If no one has any pairs, then the highest card wins.

One Pair

Two Pair

Three of a Kind

Straight- Five cards in succession that are not from the same suit.

Flush: Five cards from the same suit.

Full House: Three of a Kind and a Pair

Four of a Kind

Straight Flush- Five cards in succession that are all of the same suite

Royal Flush - 10 through Ace of a single suit

Set up

First, you must choose a dealer to start a Seven Card Stud game. The dealer is a random player who passes cards from a shuffled deck out to each player in the game. The dealer for each round is determined by the player who draws the most Aces.

How to Play

Each player places an initial wager into the pot. Casual games usually have a minimum of a dollar. The following rounds can be played: Round One (fourth Street), Round Five, Sixth Street, Sixth Street, and River

Round One

The dealer then gives two face down cards to each player. These cards are called "holes". Next, the dealer gives each player a face up card. This card is called "the door". After everyone has received their door, there is a round called the "bringin" where they will bet. The bring-in starts with the lowest valued player and continues clockwise to their left. The suits alphabetically break ties for the lowest-valued card (e.g. The 2 of Spades is outranked by the 2 Clubs. Any round of betting can see players lose any winnings and they may decide to fold.

4th Street

To all remaining players, the dealer gives out a fourth card. The first round of betting begins with the player with the highest street score or highest hand. It then proceeds clockwise to their left.

5th Street

A dealer hands out a fifth of the cards face-up to all remaining players. A round of betting begins with the player who has received the highest 5th street, or the highest hand, and continues clockwise to their right.

6th Street

The dealer will give a sixth card to all remaining players. A round of betting begins with the player with the highest 6th street score or the best hand. The clock then moves to their left.


In the fifth round, the dealer gives out the seventh final card face-down to all remaining players.

Each player then looks at their three face-down cards and decides which 5 card hand is the best. Each player starts with the most visible hand, moving clockwise to the left. After the round of betting is over, all remaining players must reveal their hands. The pot will be given to the player who has the highest hand.

Check out this article by pagat for more information about Seven Card Stud.


The history of Poker is not definitive. However, historians have suggested that the game was derived from the French Poque game or the Persian As-Nas game. It is clear that Poker became popular in the American south in the 1830s. The game was spread by gambling riverboats all along the Mississippi River and around New Orleans. In order to outwit rich tourists, con artists were known as "pokes" by disgruntled gamblers at the time.

Seven Card Stud, which originated in the American Midwest region, didn't make its debut until the middle-19th century. Seven Card Stud was developed by the U.S. Military, while Poker was spread via riverboats. After World War II, the game was a common fixture in most casinos. It remained popular until Texas Hold'em and the rise of community card games in the 1980's.

Check out this article for more information about Seven Card Stud's history. David Parlett's article provides more information about the history of poker.


Seven Card High & Low

In High and Lower, the same rules as basic Seven Card Stud apply, except that at showdown, players will make two hands with their seven cards. The pot will be split between the highest hand and the lowest. If the pot can't be divided evenly, the odd chips go to the winner with the highest hand.


Razz is a lowball version of Seven Card Stud's poker game. All rules from basic Seven Card Stud are applicable except that the objective of Razz is to have a low hand at the end. Straights, flushes and suits are not relevant in lowball poker. why stud poker are the best casino poker games


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