Poker-hand rankings chart (strongest to weakest) and cheat sheet

 Cheat sheet and Poker-hand Rankings Chart (Strongest to Weakest).

The common poker-hand rankings system, which classifies the relative strength and value of various poker hands, underpins all forms. This allows players to determine the best hand.

It is used in popular poker games, such as Omaha or Texas Holdem. It is vital to know if you are serious about winning.

Scroll down to find our guide to the poker hand rankings.

1. Royal flush

The best poker hand is the royal flush, which ranks at the top of the poker-hand rankings. It is composed of five consecutive cards from the same suite, in order of their value from 10 up to ace.

2. Straight flush

It can only be beaten by a royal or other straight flush that includes higher-ranking cards. It cannot be beat with a royal flush or another straight-flush including higher-ranking card. Four of a Kind

In all four suits, the same card. The highest card in each of the four suits completes the five-card deck. Full house

A hand consisting of the same value card from three different suits (three of one kind) and a separate pair with the same rank card from two different suits. A full house is when more than one player has the same value card. The winning hand is the one that has the highest or most valuable three of a type.

5. Flush

Five cards of the exact same suit in any order. If two players have flushed, the player with the highest-valued card wins.

6. Straight

Five cards of sequential numerical worth made up of more than one type. An ace can rank either high (above the king) or low (below the 2). However, it cannot be both in one hand. 7. Three of the same

A poker hand that has three cards of the same rank and three cards from three different suits. 8. Two pairs

Two sets of two cards each of matching rank. The hand is completed by the remaining highest-ranking card.

9. Pair

A pair of cards that are the same rank but in different suits. The three highest-ranked cards are used to make the rest of the hand. High card

This is the lowest-ranked of all. Your "best hand" is the highest card in the hand. It's in this case the king or spades.

Our poker-hand ranking cheat sheet can be saved to your desktop, or to your mobile phone. It's a great tool for your online and physical poker play until you commit the rankings to memory.

Poker hand rankings: Hi' games, Lo' games and Hi-Lo games

It is important to remember that not all poker games will decide which hand is the best. Poker-hand rankings are used to determine the best poker hand in any game type.

Poker: High-hand, low-hand or both

One of the easiest uses of rankings is the "Hi" games. Here, the best hand in poker is determined based on which hand ranks the highest on the chart.

Some examples of commonly used examples include Texas Holdem, Seven Card Stud and Seven-Card Stud

Lo, low-hand and lowball poker

The lowball poker-hand rankings reverse the normal poker hand rankings, so the lowest ranking hand is the best. Low-hand poker can sometimes be different depending on whether the Ace is high or low, and whether straights as well as flushes count.

Razz is one of the most common examples.

High-low or hi-lo split poker

A third way to rank poker-hands is high-low split, in which the pot is split between the player with highest-ranking hands and the player who has the lowest. What is a Poker System?


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