Online Poker Sites

 Online Poker Sites

Since its conception, the online poker landscape has evolved many times. And we have seen the evolution of this game in just a short period of time. The original concept of online poker was simple, but the game evolved quickly to incorporate new features like anonymous players and jackpot sit and go's. Although it was not popular, webcam poker has been seen.

Interesting is the fact that online poker has had an opposite effect on live poker games to high street bingo. It actually brought more people into real-world casinos to play instead of sending them online. This was possible because of a new breed, eager to try their online skills in face-to-face situations.

But we digress. This section of our site is dedicated poker. You can find the list below of the best poker websites. We've selected a selection of the best poker sites, just like we did in other sections. Our poker bonuses page has a more extensive list.

The Top Poker Sites in 2022

What Features Should You Pay Attention To?

Jackpots with Bad Beats

If a player loses while holding four cards of the same (10's or better), a Bad Beat Jackpot will be paid. The players must use both their hole cards. If the board has 4 aces and the game comes down to the kicker, the jackpot is not going to pay.

However, the winner of the losing hand does not get the entire jackpot. Each player that dealt into the qualifying hands as well as the winner of the hand also receive a share of the jackpot. Even though the jackpot is currently high, it would be possible for every player to receive at least EUR15k.

Poker With Webcams

You may need to practice your poker face if you are an online poker player. The new breed of poker tables uses web cams and streaming video to bring players into your home.

Web cams aren't new. Doyle Brunson wrote about it in his book, "Super System". But this is the first time that this idea has been implemented at 888 Poker. PokerCam lets players play as aliases and share a video stream via their webcam. Below is a video. How to Really Find the Best Poker Rooms Online


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